


What did Jesus's sacrifice do for us? Find out in this short video.


What did Jesus's sacrifice do for us? Find out in this short video.

Power of Words

Power of Words

Our words hold immense power. See how in this short video.

Power of Words

Our words hold immense power. See how in this short video.

Prayer For Salvation

Prayer For Salvation

Praying for God to strengthen and guide those who say this prayer with a sincere heart. God loves you and so do we!

Prayer For Salvation

Praying for God to strengthen and guide those who say this prayer with a sincere heart. God loves you and so do we!

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer

Jesus taught us how to pray. See how in this short video reciting The Lord's Prayer.

The Lord's Prayer

Jesus taught us how to pray. See how in this short video reciting The Lord's Prayer.

Psalm 23

Psalm 23

This Psalm tells us how the Lord leads, guides and loves us. Please watch this short video reciting Psalm 23.

Psalm 23

This Psalm tells us how the Lord leads, guides and loves us. Please watch this short video reciting Psalm 23.

Psalm 91

Psalm 91

A beautiful scripture of protection, love and peace.

Psalm 91

A beautiful scripture of protection, love and peace.